DEM Resources

A list of some free resources for Digital Elevation Models and hints how to use them in QGis. Some of the available models are ready to use, others come in mosaics that have to be merged. Sometimes, reprojection is neccessary.

South Tyrol / Alto Adige (Italy)

Alto Adige provides a complete cover of 2.5m raster LiDAR data, and a 0.5 m raster of potential flooding areas. The area of interest can be selected in the „Geokatalog“ and after short processing time, a download link is send by email. No registration necessary.
Hint: use the rider „Themen-Suche“ or „Ricerca per categoria“ in the left side tab to display search options.

Licence: „Creative Commons Zero (CC0)“:

Germany 200 m, 1000 m

The Federal Agency for Cartography and Geodesy provides free DEM data as complete Download in 200 m and 1000 m. Reference UTM32s.

Licence: Germany – attribution

Austria 10 m

DEM of Austria in 10 m resolution in a single file. Geotif, EPSG: 31587

Licence: Attribution
